Monday 25 August 2014

[WB] B'in Music + Luna Yuan's Weibo Update About MP 2014/08/24

B'in #1
@MP魔幻力量 携新专辑《战神》举办多场预购签唱会,用最直接&充满力量的演出让歌迷感受MP的音乐及魅力!发片当周《战神》直冲网络预购冠军,也攻佔五大唱片、G-music销售冠军!唱片公司重金打造战神专属“魔幻战车”送MP!廷廷:“音乐本身的能量不需要华丽的包装,欢迎歌迷来现场听我们的故事。”
@Magic Power held many pre-order autograph sessions for their new album 《Fighting For Love》, using the most direct and energy-filled performances to let their fans experience their music and charisma! The same week of the album release,《Fighting For Love》topped online pre-order sales, and also occupied the top spot at Five music & G-music's (album charts)! Their record company also spared no expense to create an exclusive “Magical Battle Car” for MP! Tingting: "The power of music doesn't require extravagant packaging, (we) welcome all music fans to come to (our performances) & listen to our stories (i.e. music)."

Luna Yuan #1
The legendary「Marksman Dance」as well as the「Gorilla Dance」in the recently [released]「Gorilla」MV were all choreographed by this dance talent, Teacher Xiao Nan [Sean Lo] (fourth from the left)~ (It's so) cool! (Let's) get the whole world dancing together!

Luna Yuan #2
@MP魔幻力量 累積這幾年的現場演出口碑,拼成一個高人氣樂團,公司收集了樂團各種需求,特別準備一台全省環島巴士,專屬於他們的戰車,在馬拉松的接力演出時,能有USB插座可以隨時充電任何配備,內部改造更多空間能放置樂器,今天特別貼上MP戰神符號在簽唱會現場亮相,因為我們覺得他們值得。
@MagicPower has accumulated a (good) reputation with all the live performances (they've had) over these few years, becoming (lit. piecing into) a highly popular rock band. The company (B'in) collected the various requests from the band, and specially prepared a bus (for them to travel around) the whole country, an exclusive battle car that belongs to them. (As they embark on a series of) marathon-relay-like performances, there are USB plugs (in the car) that will enable them to charge their devices whenever necessary, whilst the interior of the car was specially reconstructed to give more space to accommodate their instruments. Today, (we) specially affixed the MP Fighting For Love logo (on the car) & revealed it at the autograph session, because we felt that they're worth it.

Translated by i-MPF 

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