Saturday 23 August 2014

[FB] Hao Xiao Zong's Facebook Updates About MP 2014/08/22

Hao Xiao Zong #1
40學長:「鼓鼓 我好餓 下課後陪我去福利社買個熱狗麵包好嗎?」
鼓鼓:「學長 我有幫你準備便當了 等下一起吃」
鼓鼓:「好阿好阿 那我做的便當拿去喂狗算了」
40學長:「你生氣囉? 」
40學長:「其實我的目的只是想讓福利社妹妹知道 我已經有喜歡的人了 而且就在我身邊..... 」

Hao Xiao Zong's Brand New Section《Late Night Magical BL Play》
Senior 40:「Googoo, I'm so hungry. Can you accompany me to the canteen to get a hotdog bun after class?」
Googoo:「Senior, I've prepared a lunch box for you already, (we can) have it together later」
Senior 40:「But I wanna eat a hotdog bun」
Googoo:「Okay, okay, forget it, I'll just feed the (stray) dogs with the lunch box I made, then」
Senior 40:「Are you angry (at me)? 」
Googoo:「How can it be」
Senior 40:「Actually, my intention was to let the Meimei* at the canteen know that I already have someone that I like and (that person's) just by my side.....」
Googoo ⋯⋯⋯ (The song "Secretly" starts playing)

t/n: *Meimei (妹妹) refers to a younger sister, or just any girl younger than you
Also, there's a deliberate typo in this post, where 'brand new' (全新) was written as '全腥'.

Hao Xiao Zong #2
8/22(五)今晚19:00 MTV 我愛偶像

8/22 (Fri) Tonight 19:00pm MTV Idols of Asia (lit. I Love Idols)
MP reports on the (music) chart standings x answers the questions left on the youtube video
Exactly which question was it that caused the 6 gods of war to have a constipated face & be unable to answer it

Hao Xiao Zong #3
8/23(六)晚上20:00 TVBS歡樂台

8/23 (Sat) 20:00pm TVBS Entertainment Channel
《The Earth's Most Impressively Extravagant Version》of MP performing "Fighting For Love" makes it's debut
Troubling everyone to make sure to vote for MP (so that they can) come in at first place, okay

Translated by i-MPF 

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